#Caregivers, students from each class together with their teachers come up with names for their classes. These names are assigned to the class. Some keep them for the entire period of study, until the 11th grade, and some, if they really want, change them earlier, at the beginning of the new school year, in September (this is one of the students’ rights according to our school Constitution).
And we have created individual logos for those names.
School on Kleparivska Street
First grades 2022-2023 – Drivers, Rainbows, Windmills

Second grades 2023-2024 – Tireless, Icebreakers

Third grades 2023-2024 – Strong, Restless

Fourth grades 2023-2024 – Wise, Brave

Fifth grades 2023-2024 – Jet, Fearless, Stars, Travellers

Sixth grades 2023-2024 – Explorers, Inventors, Cloudbusters, Sailors

Seventh grades 2023-2024 – Winners, Pearls

Eighth grades 2023-2024 – Freethinkers, Dreamers

School on Naukova
Zero grades 2023-2024

First grades 2023-2024 – Brave, Lightning, Explorers, Droplets

Second grades 2023-2024- Unbreakable, Curious, Stars

Third grades 2023-2024 – Crystals, Hardened, Luck, Chicks, Dreamers

Fourth grade 2023-2024 – Wings, Owls, Climbers, Dreamers

Fifth grade 2023-2024 – Lions, Scientists

Sixth grade 2023-2024 – Superheroes

Seventh grade 2023-2024 – Gryffindors, Agents 007

Eighth grade 2023-2024 – Optimists